Thursday, March 6, 2025



YouAreUNLTD is a purpose driven brand, disrupting and redefining what it means to get older. We are a fresh voice to provide people with the inspiration and resources to help them age powerfully.

Five Ways to Manage Chronic Inflammation as You Age

As you age, your body experiences inflammation, sometimes referred to as "inflammaging." This age-related inflammation could potentially be linked to developing health issues as...

Green Spaces Can Help You Age Well

While it's been known that getting out into nature is good for your health, green spaces (think grass, trees, flowers, gardens) are especially beneficial...

Which Generation Is The Most Active? You Might Be Surprised

When you picture generations who are active, you might picture Gen Z with their longboards, or Millennials playing pickleball, and Gen X running, but...

Why You Can’t Seem to Drink Like You Used To

Does it seem like you can't drink like you used to at university? You're not imagining it. Our ability to process alcohol decreases as...

Three Key Learnings When It Comes to Aging Well

Take inspiration from Maureen. She's 89, but she's far from what you think of when you think of someone who is nearly 90. She's...

Discover a New Option for Caregivers to Manage Medications More Effectively

Caregivers play an essential role in the United States. There are 34.2 million Americans who have provided unpaid support to an adult over the age...

How To Make Aging Affordable

While many Canadians prepare for retirement, not as many prepare for old age. That's according to Dr. Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald, the director of financial security...

How Front-Wave Baby Boomers Are Going to Change How We Think About Aging

What (or rather who) is a front-wave boomer? Those born between 1946 and 1965. In Canada, this group makes up more than 25 percent...

Older Adults Are Having Better Sex Lives Than Younger Generations

In movies and TV, and society at large, we tend to focus on the sex lives of younger generations, such as Millennials and Gen...

Commit to Doing This One Simple Act to Achieve Better Health

NEW! We have integrated this and other medication adherence content from YouAreUNLTD into a new digital magazine, Mind Your Meds. Read it below! One single...

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