Sunday, March 30, 2025


Fashion & Beauty

Forget Dressing For Your Age: Flaunt Your Style As You Like It

Huda Cade scoffs at the notion of dressing your age. “It’s ageist! That phrase means women of a certain age should dress and act in...

Sassy Grandmas On Social Media Usher In A Grey Revolution

The New York Times called them “the Glamorous Grandmas of Instagram,” but they are much more than that. These women all over the age...

The Arrival Of 2020 Brings Smart Clothing To The Forefront Of Healthcare

“Wearables” entered the popular lexicon only in the last decade with the proliferation of bracelet-style fitness trackers such as Fitbit, followed a little later...

Yes, We Dare. Grey Hair Is A Badge of Honour And We Will No Longer Hide It

Choosing grey is sexy and inspiring, no matter your age The hair colour du jour is grey – preferably a silky silver. It was once...

The Latest Wrinkle In Beauty? New Research Finds Almonds Can Benefit Aging Skin

The Canada Food Guide highlights the importance of plant-based foods for good overall health, but could they help improve the look of skin, too? Emerging...

Are Your Dating Skills A Bit Rusty? Our Experts Help You Up Your Game

“My gal pals assured me that first dates were just like a riding a bike, that instinct would kick in and I’d instantly remember...

Here Comes The Sun: Are You Ready To Protect Your Skin Against ‘Age Spots’?

Few people are overjoyed with the aging process, but even less so if age spots show up. Fortunately, a wide variety of treatment options...

Women Of A “Certain Age” Shake Off Stereotypes And Disrupt The Fashion World

French fashion designer Coco Chanel famously stated, “After 40, nobody is young, but one can be irresistible at any age.” Indeed, today’s aging female...

Keep Your Eye on the Prize: You’re Not Too Old for Laser Vision Correction Surgery

Every year, thousands of Canadians who want to forgo glasses look to laser vision correction surgery. However, there's a common belief that it's something...

Baubles with Brains: Smart Jewellery Unites Fashion and Function

As I sit at my desk, my fitness tracker buzzes every now and then to remind me to get up and move – after...

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