Monday, March 17, 2025



Find Freedom And Better Health By Forgiving Those Who Have Hurt You

A relative stiffs you for money that you kindly loaned him. Your former partner dragged you to court for expensive divorce proceedings. Friends turned...

Millennials Do Have Valuable Lessons To Share With The Boomer Generation

Millennials are a lazy, narcissistic, entitled generation. At least that’s the prevailing stereotype of these avocado toast-eating navel-gazers. Born some time between the early...

Erectile Dysfunction Does Not Mean The End To An Active Sex Life

Michael Russer, now 68, developed erectile dysfunction after surgery for prostate cancer in 2011. “I never really experienced depression, which is a state in...

How Your Eating Habits Should Change As You Age

It’s easy for a 20 year old to get away with nutrition abuses – a sugar-laden cinnamon bun for breakfast and greasy slices of...

AGE-WELL’s Startup Competition Returns to Recognize Top Innovators In Canada’s Technology And Aging Sector

Are you an entrepreneur or startup with a technology-based solution that can support the health and quality of life of seniors or their caregivers? The...

Why Cancer Couldn’t Hold A Good Man Down And Led To Lessons In Resilience

Hey everybody! I’m Rob. I’m a fully formed human who has recently come to the conclusion that, in spite of my best efforts, I...

Got The Winter Blues Or Is It Something More Serious? How To Spot A Mood Disorder

We all feel down, or blue, or sad, at times. Sadness is a natural human emotion, usually triggered by a loss, disappointment, or major...

We Asked A Cardiologist: Is Sitting Just As Bad As Smoking For Your Health?

If you are sitting while reading this, you may want to stand. Dr. David Alter, a cardiologist and senior scientist at the Toronto Rehabilitation...

Medical Researchers Focus On The Intrinsic Relationship Between Brain, Heart And Mind

Your brain, heart and mind are intrinsically connected. They depend on one another. When one of them acquires a disease, scientists believe the others...

One Daughter’s Quest To Understand Dementia And How To Prevent It After Her Father’s Diagnosis

My father suffered from mixed dementia – vascular dementia and probable Alzheimer’s disease. There are few things that aging baby boomers fear more than...

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