Thursday, March 13, 2025


Finance & Career

The Best Expert Advice On How To Create Long-Term Care Plans For Loved Ones

At some point, many adult children will find themselves in a position where they need to assist in the planning of long-term care for...

What Happens When Your Partner Retires Before You Do?

Many couples think they'll retire at the same time. They've experienced many of life events together, and retirement is just another one. But for...

How To Start The Conversation With Parents About Estate Planning

"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." This quote has been attributed to Benjamin Franklin, who wrote...

How To Minimize Taxes On Retirement Income

The key to minimizing taxes on retirement income is careful planning, and this normally starts years or even a decade or two before you...

What’s the Plan? For LGBTQ Canadians, Financial Planning Has Different Wrinkles

Yes, I’m that guy. The one who Googles things like “how to catch up on your savings” and “gay retirement”—then stews about it for...

Fight Back Against Phone Fraud By Blocking Robocalls And Scammers With New Technology

Remember when answering the phone was a pleasure? When you looked forward to finding out who was on the line? These days, it feels...

Study Examines How Technology Helps People Balance Careers And Caregiving

Three years ago, Tammy Smye* reached the breaking point. She’d spent years juggling two jobs while caring for her husband, whose chronic health issues...

With Altitude and Preparation, You Can Avoid A Financial Disaster

In 2008, an Air Canada Airbus 330 flying from Toronto to Lisbon lost power over the Atlantic due to a fuel leak. Fortunately, Captain...

Trend Watch: Meet Two 60+ Canadians Who Are Choosing Work Over Retirement

The village of Hanstholm, in northwestern Denmark, may not be everyone’s idea of a dream destination when they’re in their 60s. With a population...

The Future is Aging and the Opportunities Are Infinite: UNLTD Live 2019

We’re all getting older and it’s up to each and every one us to redefine what that looks like. The possibilities presented by a...

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