Wednesday, February 5, 2025



How To Tame The Anxiety And Worries That Dominate Thoughts As We Age

Anxiety problems among older adults is common, but often not recognized, according to CAMH. As we grow older, there can be a tendency to...

7 Fabulous Women Celebrities Who Just Keep Getting Better With Age

Celebrities who make it big often seem to be blessed with talent and good looks from the get go and yet there are some...

The Sweet Spot: Weekly Sex Keeps the Love Alive For Long-Term Couples

  Sex & Relationships: Q&A with psychologist Amy Muise Have you ever worried about how to maintain sexual desire and satisfaction over the long haul? Who...

Unlimited Attitude: Canadian Astronaut And Cancer Survivor Dr. Dave Williams Defies Limits

Dr. Dave Williams, one of Canada’s most accomplished astronauts, is marking the recent launch of his inspiring memoir, Defying Limits: Lessons from the Edge...

Columnist Robert Hawke Asks, “Want a Better Life?” His Answer: Get a Dog!

I envy my dog. He has the best life of any creature I know. In his last incarnation he must have saved a bus...

How To Fight Fair And Get Real Resolution With Anyone In Your Life

There's nothing like a healthy argument to clear the air and get back to peaceful state. Yet, many of us avoid argument at any cost....

C’mon Get Happy! 17 Ways To Add More Joy To Your World

After decades of focusing on topics like depression and anxiety, psychology has finally turned its attention to a sunnier subject – that of happiness....

One Man’s Opinion: Why Does It Take A Health Scare To Make Lifestyle Changes?

An old pal of mine sent a text message to let me know he was running late for our meet up. “There in 10....

Unlimited Attitude: Entrepreneur and Athlete Tracy Schmitt is Unstoppable

As an award-winning business leader, world traveller, decorated athlete, humanitarian and best-selling author, Tracy Schmitt knows a thing or two about perseverance and living...

Making Wishes Come True – A Nova Scotia Non-Profit Group Turns Dreams Into Reality For Adults 70+

About six years ago, a Facebook friend nominated Katie Mahoney to do an act of kindness. She opted to spend some time with an...

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