Sunday, March 9, 2025



Drink Up: Your Coffee Habit May Have Serious Health Perks

Judging by the latest research, it’s not hard to imagine a day in the near future that coffee producers may start touting the health...

Wearable Technology Gives New Hope For Regaining Mobility After Strokes and Spinal Cord Injuries

Researchers at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute are testing new wearable technology that could “reawaken” muscles of people with paralysis from neurological problems, such as...

Difference Maker: Watch Michael Tamblyn, CEO, Rakuten Kobo, Explain The Transition to Digital E-Books

Michael Tamblyn, CEO, Rakuten Kobo, appeared as a guest speaker at AGE-WELL's National Conference in Vancouver last year. He spoke how the transition from...

Why Canadians Are Saying ‘No, Thanks’ To Retirement And Working Longer

More Canadians are choosing to keep working longer and do what they love. Canadian author Margaret Atwood typifies the new attitude toward retirement: Why bother when...

Difference Maker: Meet Dr. Frank Knoefel, A Researcher Who Is Changing The Conversation Around Aging

Meet Dr. Frank Knoefel, clinical scientist, Bruyère Research Institute, physician and AGE-WELL researcher appeared as a guest speaker at AGE-WELL's National Conference in Vancouver last...

Don’t Risk Having Another Painful Shingles Episode With A Vaccine

Most adults over the age of 30 can remember the pain of contracting chicken pox. The isolation from friends, the hideous red spots and...

Stopping The Spread Of Ageism In the Workplace Needs To Be A Priority

As authors Warren Bennis and Robert J. Thomas report in their book, Geeks and Geezers: How Era, Values, and Defining Moments Shape Leaders, each...

Dealing With Grief Is A Unique Journey For Everyone Who Has Loved And Lost

  Based on the latest research on grief, it seems we’ve been thinking about it all wrong. Part of the responsibility lies with Swiss psychiatrist...

Missing Out On The Spiritual Side of Life? Learn To Access Your Inner Wisdom With These Tips

As we age, many Boomers are seeking a spiritual way of being that moves beyond religious practices. This may include everything from integrating eastern...

New Research Looks At Who Does Better After Heart Surgery – Men or Women?

Last year, research established heart failure-associated deaths and hospitalizations are higher in women than in men. Today, new research from the University of Ottawa...

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