Wednesday, March 12, 2025



The Future of Medical Cannabis in Canada Feels Good

Public attitudes toward cannabis have been shaped by any number of influences, from propaganda films such as 1936’s Reefer Madness (in which it is...

Sending In The Clowns Brings Joy To Those Living With Dementia

When Lynda Del Grande resumes her teaching schedule this fall, she’ll be welcoming a group of students who are quite unlike the pupils she...

Meet KGB84, Japan’s Pop Group Sensation – Members Under Age 80 Need Not Apply

When they take the stage at venues in places like Singapore and Tokyo, they are greeted with enthusiastic applause and screams of excitement. They...

7 Essential Health-Themed Summer Reads Sure To Help You Live Better

Is your summer packed to the max? Slow down, find a cozy corner and read a book. Studies say that reading for just six...

Experts Shine A Light On How Good Lighting Supports Aging In Place

“I know very few vision scientists who know – or care – about lighting,” said Dr. Frances Wilkinson at the recent Integrative Lighting Conference...

New Report Confirms Canadians Want Innovative Technology To Address Needs Of Aging

The conversation around what it means to age is changing in a dramatic way. The newly released Revera Report on Innovation and the Aging...

The 2017/2018 Flu Season Was Nasty And “Unusual” – Now An Early Glimpse Of What’s Next

By all accounts, the 2017-2018 flu season was a nasty one. The CBC reported that, by January 2018, there were 20 times more detections...

Coming Soon… Robots And Savvy Technology Steal The Show At AGE-WELL’s Ottawa Event

When Elizabeth Audette-Bourdeau began developing a communications platform called Welbi, she was inspired by her late grandfather. “I felt I had to take responsibility...

Brushes With Greatness: Art Gallery Programs For Those With Dementia Inspires Creativity

Though dementia impairs the way the brain functions, it does not diminish an individual’s ability to be creative. That’s the principle that has inspired...

Looking For the Next Big Idea For Healthy Aging: AGE-WELL Launches the National Impact Challenge

Technology is tackling common issues faced by aging Canadians in a big way. That could mean a smart sensor, a robot, mobile phone app...

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