Sunday, March 16, 2025



Prebiotics Versus Probiotics: How Do They Fit Into Better Digestive Function?

Most people have heard about probiotics. But do you know about prebiotics, which feed this good microbes or bacteria in our large intestine? According...

Shake Up Your Exercise Routine With Nordic Walking, Ideal For COVID-19 Workouts

As we all know, due to the COVID-19 emergency, gyms, dance studios, indoor pools and recreation centres used for exercise are currently closed. Less...

How To Get Stronger, Improve Your Posture And Boost Your Mobility With Pilates

Pilates is about as far away as you can get from trendy exercise fads. It has been practiced since the late 1920s. And believe...

Forget Dressing For Your Age: Flaunt Your Style As You Like It

Huda Cade scoffs at the notion of dressing your age. “It’s ageist! That phrase means women of a certain age should dress and act in...

Why Medical Advice Seems To Be Constantly Changing

Often in medicine, when physicians give advice, it is clear cut, precise and meant for a particular patient or group of patients. However, the...

Health Canada Approves Butterfly iQ, The World’s First Whole-Body Portable Ultrasound, To Combat COVID-19

COVID-19 has quickly shifted the landscape in Canada, causing concern for public health during a global pandemic. With more than one million cases worldwide...

What’s New In Treating Chronic Back Pain? Doctors Investigate Stem Cell Therapy

Our own cells may be the answer to eliminating chronic neck or back pain and repairing my car was damaged discs in the spine. Spine...

Look To Canada’s Indigenous Communities To Understand How Age And Wisdom Are Valued

Western cultures see aging through the narrow, warped lens of health and disease, chronic illness and disability. Being independent for as long as possible...

Cranky? Irritable? Fatigue? Forgetful? It Might Be Male Menopause

“We’ve always been kitchen-klatch people,” says 55-year-old Daniel Kenney about himself and his four older siblings, the eldest of whom is 65. “The kitchen is...

Live In The Moment: Why You Should Add Mindfulness Habits Into Your Life For Healthier Aging

In these troubled times, it's easy to get caught up in what tomorrow, next week, next month or next year might bring. That can...

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